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QS 2025 : Le Classement des meilleurs masters en Supply Chain

Voici le classement des meilleurs programmes en master en supply chain dans le monde. Découvrez le classement mondial ainsi qu’un zoom sur classement en France. 


Lire plus : Classement QS 2025, les meilleurs masters en management dans le monde


Le classement mondial des programmes en master supply chain


1Master of Supply Chain Management Michigan Ross School of Business+1
2Supply Chain ManagementVienna University of Economics and Business+1
3Master of Science in Supply Chain ManagementErasmus University +1
4MSc in Supply Chain & Purchasing ManagementEMLyon Business School+1
5Master of Science in Global Supply Chain Management ProgramMarshall School of Business+1
6MSc Operations, Project and Supply Chain ManagementAlliance Manchester Business School +1
7International Master in Digital Supply Chain Management Operations, Procurement and Logistics POLIMI School of Management+2
8MSc in Operations and Supply Chain ManagementTrinity Business School =
9Master of Supply Chain ManagementUniversity of Washington-Michael G.Foster +1
10Master of Science in Global OperationsHKUST+2
11Master of Operations and Supply Chain ManagementCity University of Hong Kong=
12Logistics and Supply Chain Management MScCranfield School of Management+2
13MSc Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementLancaster University Management SchoolNEW
14MSc Sustainable Supply Chain ManagementUniversity College Dublin-2
15Master of Science in Global Supply Chain ManagementMitch Daniels School of Business (Purdue)=
16MSc Global Supply Chain Management & ProcurementSKEMA Business School=
17Master of Supply Chain ManagementSchulich School of Business NEW
18Master of Science in Supply Chain ManagementCarlson School of Management +1
19Master in Supply Chain and Purchasing ManagementAudencia Business School-1
20Masters in Supply Chain ManagementWisconsin School of Business-3
21MSc Management (Supply Chain Logistics)Durham University Business School+1
21Master of Science in Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementFlorida International University College of Business=
23Master of Supply Chain ManagementKFUPM Business School=
24MSc In Management (Operations And Supply Chain)DCU Business School-4
25MSc Supply Chain and Lean ManagementTBS Education+4
26Master of Science in Global Logistics (MS-GL)Arizona State University -1
27Master in Global Supply Chain ManagementAntwerp Management School-3
28Master of Science in Supply Chain ManagementUniversity of Maryland =
29MSc Supply Chain ManagementD’AmoreMcKim-2
30Master of Strategic Supply Chain ManagementUniversity of Technology Sydney Business School+8
31Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementNewcastle University Business School-5
32Master of Science in Supply Chain ManagementNaveen Jindal School of Management=
33Masters of Science, Supply Chain ManagementUniversity of Colorado Boulder -2
34Digital Supply Chain Management MScBayes Business School-4
35MSc – Global Supply Chain ManagementHEC Montréal-1
36Master in Supply Chain Management & LogisticsEAE Business School-1
37Master of Supply Chain ManagementWeatherhead School of Management -4
37MS in Supply Chain ManagementOlin Business School +2
39Master in Supply Chain and OperationsBologna University Business School+8
40Master of Supply Chain ManagementSydney Business School +7
41Master in Supply Chain ManagementUniversidad Complutense de Madrid+1
42Master of Science in Supply Chain ManagementKnauss School of Business -1
43MS-Supply Chain ManagementUniversity of Alabama-8
44Master of Supply Chain ManagementLally School of Management -3
45MSc Global Operations and Supply Chain ManagementUniversity of Bristol+2
46MSc in Sustainable Global Supply Chain ManagementExcelia Business School=
47Master in Supply ChainESIC Business & Marketing School-4
48MSc Supply Chain and Operations ManagementNottingham University Business School+20
49MSc ISLI – Global Supply Chain ManagementKEDGE Business School+1
50MSc Supply Chain ManagementAston Business School +1


Top 50 : les meilleurs masters en Supply Chain 

Le classement QS 2025 des meilleurs Masters en Supply Chain Management consacre le Master of Supply Chain Management de la Michigan Ross School of Business, qui progresse d’une place par rapport à 2024 pour atteindre la première position. En deuxième place, on retrouve le programme Supply Chain Management de la Vienna University, suivi du Master of Science in Supply Chain Management de la Rotterdam School of Management, qui complète le podium.

L’EMLyon Business School se distingue en décrochant la quatrième place grâce à son programme innovant MSc in Supply Chain & Purchasing Management. Elle est suivie par la Marshall School of Business, cinquième avec son Master of Science in Global Supply Chain Management Program, et l’Alliance Manchester Business School, qui se classe sixième avec son MSc in Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management.


Le classement en france des meilleurs masters Supply Chain


Rang mondialRang FranceProgrammeÉcole
41MSc in Supply Chain & Purchasing ManagementEMLyon Business School
162MSc Global Supply Chain Management & ProcurementSKEMA Business School
193Master in Supply Chain and Purchasing ManagementAudencia Business School
254MSc Supply Chain and Lean ManagementTBS Education
465MSc in Sustainable Global Supply Chain ManagementExcelia Business School
496MSc ISLI – Global Supply Chain ManagementKEDGE Business School
557MSc Supply Chain ManagementEMLV Business School
578Master of Science Purchasing & Supply Chain ManagementESC Clermont
619MSc Supply Chain and Purchasing ManagementICN Business School
6910MSC Supply Chain ManagementMontpellier Business School


Classement QS 2025 : les meilleurs masters Supply Chain en France 

Le classement en France est dominé par le MSc in Supply Chain & Purchasing Management de l’EMLyon, suivi de SKEMA Business School. Au troisième rang français, on retrouve le Master in Supply Chain and Purchasing Management d’Audencia Business School. La TBS Education se range à la quatrième place dans le classement des meilleurs masters supply chain en France. La cinquième place est occupé par Excelia Business School. 


Lire plus : Classement QS 2025, les meilleures universités mondiales